Perceptions Profile Analysis Is a Management Audit methodology, which utilises targeted Questionnaires combined with Data Mining/OLAP software to provide a multi-dimensional view of Staff/Customer Perceptions relating to the various functions of Management. It requires the design of an organisation specific Profile Questionnaire that is constructed as part of a research phase of the project. It will comprise of questions addressing all the Primary Management functions, in addition to situation specific elements of concern. Once the analysis team is satisfied with the profile Questionnaire, the recording phase is initiated via a Respondent Anonymous Web Survey. OPA will require the questionnaire to be completed by Management, Internal Staff, External Colleagues, Associates, Group Management, etc. It will also require the capture of a full set of appropriate demographics by which to enhance the analysis and reporting. Examples of the more common demographics include Age, Gender, Time in Post, Time with Company, Time in Industry, Grade, Management Status, etc. After completion of the recording exercise, the completed Web Questionnaire automatically populates the OPA computer model. Once this has been populated, the model is set to calculate and to produce a full range of profile reports, tables, and charts for subsequent analysis. These reports, which have been evolved over the years, are designed to readily identify classic issues of performance perception as compared with best practice via various forms of GAP analysis. Through the OLAP computer model 1000s of combinations of views are available. This suite of reports is analysed by our expert consultants in order to generate a full presentation of results including commentary and recommendations.
Perceptions Bar Chart
Perceptions Radar Chart